UPDATE 3/16/23:
You must call in first before entering the practice with your pet and curbside protocols are still available.
UPDATE 9/15/21:
Due to the increase in numbers in Virginia, we are continuing our curbside protocols for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work together to continue to provide excellent care for your pets.
Dear Valued Clients and Friends,
Throughout this time, we have been taking extra steps in an attempt to limit the spread of this virus and ensure the safety of our clients and team while also providing the quality care you expect from us. Our practice remains open for appointments; however, because the health of our clients and their pets is of utmost importance, we are choosing to make proactive decisions about how we will provide services in an effort to protect our clients, their pets, our team, and the community as a whole.
Until further notice, we will be implementing the following precautionary measures, effective immediately: Clients are to remain in their vehicles. Upon arrival, please call the hospital number (757) 483-1055 to let us know you are here. At the point at which your pet is ready to be seen, one of our staff members will bring your pet(s) inside to be examined/treated. Patient history and all treatment plans will be communicated over phone or video call.
After examination/treatment of your pet, a member of our staff will bring your pet back out to your car. Payment will be processed over the phone. After the examination and treatment of your pet, a member of our staff will call you to process payment over the phone. If you or anyone in your family has had a fever, or any of the respiratory symptoms typical of COVID-19 or has traveled within the past 30 days, we ask that you please alert us in advance so that we may figure out how best to provide care to your pet while ensuring the safety of our team.
In the event of euthanasia, we will allow families into the building; however, we ask that no children/teenagers accompany you. These policies are subject to change following the release of new information from the CDC and WHO or in light of any new directives from state or federal government officials.
With you in health,
Dr. Porter and the whole team at Western Branch Veterinary Hospital